суббота, 9 февраля 2013 г.

как из osm.bz2 сделать .img

1. I previously wrote about using . Follow the steps from 1 to 2. From the export tab, select “OpenStreetMap XML Data” option to get the OSM data. This is OK if you want to get the data for small areas.

Now you want to get the latest OSM data, you have several options.

To get latest trunk nod svn snapshot, in the terminal type the following:

However, current mkgmap development is in high gear and new features are added every week. This is why is use the trunk nod branch.

The last command should give you the help text on usage and options.

cd /path/to/your/mkgmap/directory

You can get a daily snapshot of mkgmap from the . Then, decompress the file. Open a terminal and type:

The text in this font is what you type in your terminal

The process is in 4 general steps: build mkgmap, get data, convert data, transfer to gps. This process was tested using Ubuntu Linux and Mac OS (it should be the same with to WinXP). What you need are OSM data, java 1.5 0r 1.6, command terminal (command prompt in windows speak) and subversion (optional)

The java environment makes it easy to prepare the map in any OS.

From the wiki: “mkgmap converts OpenStreetMap data into a map that can be loaded onto a Garmin GPS device. It does the conversion in one step without depending on any other program. It requires Java 1.5.”

Some people asked me how to convert the OSM data to Garmin maps. There are you can do this. The following process outlines how I do it using .

(Go to the for the daily map updates)

Here’s the for the direct download.

- fixed problems with abbreviated POI names in .

- more POIs and improved POI searching for roads and cities;

A new Openstreetmap Garmin Map of the Philippines is now available in my . The latest update was based on 20090225 OSM data.

DIY garmin routable map from openstreetmap data

freedom, geospatial, open source, open data, philippines, personal

DIY garmin routable map from openstreetmap data | 4253

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